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May's Mama of the Month | Jaime Yang

May 1, 2022 8amFIT4MOM McAllen

Each month we select a member of the FIT4MOM McAllen community who we think deserves some recognition for their hard work, lively spirit, and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting Jaime Yang! Not only has she been a member since we started, but she's also attended classes up until her due date, and came right back once she recovered. What a rockstar!

Continue reading to learn more about her.

Tell us about who is in your family.

  • Richard (Husband), Conor (2.5 years), Ethan (2 months), Bruce (fur baby), Ollie (fur baby)

Where is your hometown?

  • Boston, MA

What is/was your career?

  • Registered Nurse and now a stay-at-home mom.

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM McAllen, and what has it done for you?

  • Since January! FIT4MOM kept me active up until the last days of my pregnancy and has been so helpful in maintaining my physical and mental health postpartum. Being able to exercise without the mom guilt is a relief. Having my babies right there with me and having them see the importance of exercise and leading an active lifestyle is important to me.

What is your favorite class exercise?

  • Tough one. I would say all the squats.

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

  • Realizing everything I am capable of and realizing true mom strength.

What are three of your favorite things?

  • Reading, traveling, and my family.

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

  • Watching my first born become an amazing big brother.

What advice would you give to a new mother?

  • Give yourself grace, you are everything your baby needs.

Anything else you'd like to add?

  • Being a "valley transplant" is hard and can leave you without a villiage and FIT4MOM McAllen can be that villiage. No one has to mom alone