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December's Mama of the Month | Sara Z

Each month we select a member of the FIT4MOM McAllen community who we think deserves some recognition for their hard work, lively spirit, and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting Sara Zellanack!

Continue reading to learn more about her.

Tell us about who is in your family.

  • My husband Doug, our two-year-old Claire, and our furkids Max and Lizzie 🐶🐶

Where is your hometown?

  • I am from Southern California

What is/was your career?

  • Former math teacher 🤓

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM McAllen, and what has it done for you?

  • I looked far and wide for this group when Claire was first born, because lots of friends from CA were part of their local FIT4MOM and loved it. The timing was off though because it didn’t exist here yet…I discovered our local village when Amanda was a guest reader at Chick-Fil-A’s toddler time earlier this year and I was SO excited! I love getting out and accomplishing something first thing in the morning that helps fill my social tank and gets my body moving. It’s a powerful combination that helps fuel me for the rest of the day.

What is your favorite class exercise?

  • Anything where we are paired/grouped up and encouraging one another!

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

  • Honestly: it took time to grow on me. I don’t feel like I instantly clicked with my baby, or loved everything from the very beginning. It took me awhile to adjust and grow in confidence in my new role as a mom, and specifically as a SAHM. But I feel God has blessed me and taught me so much through it all!

What are three of your favorite things?

  • Coffee, cows, and Jesus!

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

  • It wasn’t really anything I did, but…the first time Claire made the connection that her beloved panda lovey was the same animal as the panda in her book. She looked back and forth between the two and it was the biggest lightbulb moment I’ve seen on her yet. I LOVED it!

What advice would you give to a new mother?

  • You’re not doing it wrong; it just really is that hard. But it keeps getting better and better :)

Anything else you'd like to add?

  • “The days are long but the years are short” is probably one of the hardest things to explain to someone else. But once you start seeing it for yourself, you realize how much truth there is in it. They grow up so fast, and none of us is ever promised tomorrow, so let’s embrace the beauty of where we are and what we are doing right now. It matters!