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April's Mama of the Month | Anita Tharayil

April 1, 2022 8amFIT4MOM McAllen

Each month we select a member of the FIT4MOM McAllen community who we think deserves some recognition for their hard work, lively spirit, and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting Anita Tharayil! She's a founding member who puts in the work, and has a contagious smile.

Continue reading to learn more about her.

Tell us about who is in your family.

  • So there’s Jerry (my husband), myself and Ava (our daughter AKA The Queen of the House)

Where is your hometown?

  • I was born in Bronx, New York but was raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

What is/was your career?

  • Elementary Teacher.

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM McAllen, and what has it done for you?

  • Founding mama member here! FIT4MOM has allowed me to not only workout with my daughter, but helped me to find other mamas with children close to Ava’s age.

What is your favorite class?

  • Stroller Strides duuuuuuuh!

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

  • You’re never prepared for how much your heart will grow. The love you feel for your children is unreal.

What are three of your favorite things?

  • Ava’s laugh, fishing, and date nights.

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

  • Ava and I have been flying to Florida every few months since she was born. So, every flight where she behaves is a proud mommy moment. Makes me feel reeeeeeal good.

What advice would you give to a new mother?

  • No mama has it all together! Also, snuggle your babies as much as you can before they become mobile, because when they become toddlers, they run away from you.

Anything else you'd like to add?

  • I really appreciate having the FIT4MOM community. I moved here from Florida not very long ago, so it has been hard to make friends, especially ones with children. But FIT4MOM is filled with mamas not only that support you, but that uplift you.